691)Īppendix: Syntax of the SuperCollider Language (pg. SuperCollider is one of the most important domain-specific audio programming languages.
Supercollider book generator#
659)Ģ5 Writing Unit Generator Plug-ins (pg. The SuperCollider Book (MIT Press)- by Scott Wilson and David Cottle. 635)Ģ4 The SuperCollider Language Implementation (pg. 589)Ģ3 Dialects, Constraints, and Systems within Systems (pg. 575)Ģ0 High-Level Structures for Live Performance: dewdrop_lib and chucklib (pg.
537)ġ9 A Binaural Simulation of Varèse’s Poème Électronique (pg. 505)ġ8 Non-Real-Time Synthesis and Object-Oriented Composition (pg. 439)ġ7 Alternative Tunings with SuperCollider (pg. 409)ġ5 Machine Listening in SuperCollider (pg. 381)ġ4 Spatialization with SuperCollider (pg.
355)ġ3 Sonification and Auditory Display in SuperCollider (pg. A Web site accompanying the book offers code, links to the application itself and its source code, and a variety of third-party extras, extensions, libraries, and examples.ģ Composition with SuperCollider (pg. Later chapters cover more advanced topics and particular topics in computer music, including programming, sonification, spatialization, microsound, GUIs, machine listening, alternative tunings, and non-real-time synthesis practical applications and philosophical insigh"s from the composer’s and artist’s perspectives and "under the hood,” developer’s-eye views of SuperCollider’s inner workings. The first chapters offer an introduction to the basics, including a friendly tutorial for absolute beginners, providing the reader with skills that can serve as a foundation for further learning. The SuperCollider Book is the long-awaited guide to the design, syntax, and use of the SuperCollider language. Free, open-source, cross-platform, and with a diverse and supportive developer community, it is often the first programming language sound artists and computer musicians learn. SuperCollider, first developed by James McCartney, is an accessible blend of Smalltalk, C, and further ideas from a number of programming languages. With contributions from top academics, artists, and technologists that cover topics at levels from the introductory to the specialized, it will be a valuable sourcebook both for beginners and for advanced users. The SuperCollider Book is the essential reference to this powerful and flexible language, offering students and professionals a collection of tutorials, essays, and projects.
A Web site accompanying the book offers code, links to the application itself and its source code, and a variety of third-party extras, extensions, libraries, and examples.SuperCollider is one of the most important domain-specific audio programming languages, with potential applications that include real-time interaction, installations, electroacoustic pieces, generative music, and audiovisuals. Later chapters cover more advanced topics and particular topics in computer music, including programming, sonification, spatialization, microsound, GUIs, machine listening, alternative tunings, and non-real-time synthesis practical applications and philosophical insigh"s from the composer's and artist's perspectives and "under the hood," developer's-eye views of SuperCollider's inner workings. SuperCollider is one of the most important domain-specific audio programming languages, with potential applications that include real-time interaction, installations, electroacoustic pieces, generative music, and audiovisuals.